The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 88 rectoBackBACKBackF87v Folio 87 verso   Folio 88 verso F88v

4507   The thridde was called swete lokyng,
4508   That now is lorn, without lesyng.
4509   Yiftes were faire, but not forthy
4510   They helpe me but symply,
4511   But Bialacoil loosed be,
4512   To gon at large and to be free.
4513   ffor hym my lyf lyth all in doute,
4514   But if he come the rather oute.
4515   Allas! I trowe it wole not bene!
4516   ffor how shult I evermore hym sene?
4517   He may not oute, and that is wronge,
4518   By cause the tour is so stronge.
4519   How shulde he oute? by whos prowesse,
4520   Oute of so stronge a forteresse?
4521   By me, certeyn, it nyl be doo;
4522   God woot, I have no witte therto!
4523   But wel I woot I was in rage,
4524   Whanne I to love dide homage.
4525   Who was in cause, in sothfastnesse,
4526   But hir silf, Dame Idelnesse,
4527   Which me conveied, thurgh faire praiere,
4528   To entre into that faire verger?
4529   She was to blame me to leve,
4530   The which now doth me soore greve.