The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 87 versoBackBACKBackF87r Folio 87 recto   Folio 88 recto F88r

4483   Dre also, and Ielousie,
4484   And wikked tunge, full of envie,
4485   Of whiche the sharpe and cruel ire
4486   ffull ofte me putte in gret martire.
4487   They han my ioye fully lette,
4488   Sith Bialacoil they have bishette
4489   ffro me in prisoun wikkidly,
4490   Whom I love so entierly,
4491   That it wole my bane bee,
4492   But I the sonner may hym see.
4493   And yit more over, wurst of All,
4494   Ther is sette to kepe, foule hir bifall!
4495   A rympled vekke, ferre ronne in Age,
4496   ffrownyng and yelowe in hir visage,
4497   Which in a wayte lyth day and nyght,
4498   That noon of hem may have a sight.
4499   Now mote my sorwe enforced be;
4500   ffull soth it is, that love yaf me
4501   Three wonder yiftes of his grace,
4502   Whiche I have lorn now in this place,
4503   Sith they ne may, withoute drede,
4504   Helpen but lytel, who taketh heede.
4505   ffor here availeth no swete thought,
4506   And sweete speche helpith right nought.