The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 87 rectoBackBACKBackF86v Folio 86 verso   Folio 87 verso F87v

4459   ffolwe an evell conclusioun;
4460   This putte me in confusioun.
4461   ffor many tymes I have it seen,
4462   That many have bigyled been,
4463   ffor trust that they have sette in hope,
4464   Which felle hem aftirward a slope.
4465   But nevertheles yit, gladly she wolde,
4466   That he, that wole hym with hir holde,
4467   Hadde all tymes her purpos clere,
4468   Withoute deceyte, or ony were.
4469   That she desireth sikirly;
4470   Whanne I hir blamed, I dide foly.
4471   But what avayleth hir good wille,
4472   Whanne she no may staunche my stounde ille?
4473   That helpith litel, that she may doo,
4474   Outake biheest unto my woo.
4475   And heeste certeyn, in no wise,
4476   Withoute yift, is not to preise.
4477   Whanne heest and deede a sundry varie,
4478   They doon a gret contrarie.
4479   Thus am I possed up and doun
4480   With dool, thought, and confusioun;
4481   Of my disese ther is no noumbre.
4482   Daunger and shame me encumbre,