The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 86 rectoBackBACKBackF85v Folio 85 verso   Folio 86 verso F86v

4411   Inward myn herte I feele blede,
4412   ffor comfortles the deth I drede.
4413   Owe I not wel to have distresse,
4414   Whanne fals, thurgh hir wikkednesse,
4415   And traitours, that arn envyous,
4416   To noyen me be so coraious?
4417   A, bialacoil! full wel I see,
4418   That they hem shape to disceyve thee,
4419   To make thee buxom to her lawe,
4420   And with her corde thee to drawe
4421   Where so hem lust, right at her wille;
4422   I drede they have thee brought thertille.
4423   Withoute comfort, thought me sleeth;
4424   This game wole brynge me to my deeth.
4425   ffor if youre good wille I leese,
4426   I mote be deed; I may not chese.
4427   And if that thou foryete me,
4428   Myne herte shal nevere in likyng be;
4429   Nor ell where fynde solace,
4430   If I be putt out of youre grace,
4431   As it shal never been, I hope;
4432   Thanne shulde I falle in wanhope.
4433   Allas, in wanhope? nay, pardee!
4434   ffor I wole never dispeired be.