The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 85 versoBackBACKBackF85r Folio 85 recto   Folio 86 recto F86r

4387   In prisoun though thi body be,
4388   At large kepe thyne herte free.
4389   A trewe herte wole not plie
4390   ffor no manace that it may drye.
4391   If Ielousie doth thee payne,
4392   Quyte hym his while thus Agayne,
4393   To venge thee, atte leest in thought,
4394   If other way thou maist nought;
4395   And in this wise sotilly
4396   Worche, and wynne the maistrie.
4397   But yit I am in gret Affray
4398   Lest thou do not as I say;
4399   I drede thou canst me gret maugre,
4400   That thou emprisoned art for me;
4401   But that not for my trespas,
4402   ffor thurgh me never discovred was
4403   Yit thyng that ought be secree.
4404   Wel more anoy is in me,
4405   Than is in thee, of this myschaunce;
4406   ffor I endure more harde penaunce
4407   Than ony can seyn or thynke,
4408   That for the sorwe almost I synke.
4409   Whanne I remembre me of my woo,
4410   ffull nygh out of my witt I goo.