The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 85 rectoBackBACKBackF84v Folio 84 verso   Folio 85 verso F85v

4363   Who sittith hieghst, but as hir lust;
4364   A foole is he that wole hir trust.
4365   ffor it is I that am come down
4366   Thurgh change and revolucoun!
4367   Sith Bealacoil mote fro me twynne,
4368   Shette in the prisoun yonde withynne,
4369   His absence at myn herte I fele;
4370   ffor all my ioye and all myne hele
4371   Was in hym and in the rose,
4372   That but yone wole, which hym doth close,
4373   Opene, that I may hym see,
4374   Love nyl not that I cured be
4375   Of the peynes that I endure,
4376   Nor of my cruel Aventure.
4377   A, Bialacoil, myn owne deere!
4378   Though thou be now a prisonere,
4379   Kepe atte leste thyne herte to me,
4380   And suffre not that it daunted be;
4381   Ne late not Ielousie, in his rage,
4382   Putten thine herte in no servage.
4383   All though he chastice thee withoute,
4384   And make thy body unto hym loute,
4385   Have herte as hard as dyamaunt,
4386   Stedefast, and nought pliaunt;