The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 83 versoBackBACKBackF83r Folio 83 recto   Folio 84 recto F84r

4291   She was except in his servise.
4292   She knewe eche wrenche and evy gise
4293   Of love, and every wile,
4294   It was harder hir to gile.
4295   Of Bealacoil she toke ay hede,
4296   That evere he lyveth in woo and drede.
4297   He kepte hym koy and eke pryve,
4298   Lest in hym she hadde see
4299   Ony foly countenaunce,
4300   ffor she knewe all the olde daunce.
4301   And aftir this, whanne Ielousie
4302   Hadde Bealacoil in his baillie,
4303   And shette hym up that was so fre,
4304   ffor seure of hym he wolde be,
4305   He trusteth sore in his castell;
4306   The stronge werk hym liketh well.
4307   He dradde not that no glotouns
4308   Shulde stele his roses or bothoms.
4309   The roses weren assured All,
4310   Defenced with the stronge wall.
4311   Now Ielousie full wel may be
4312   Of drede devoide, in liberte,
4313   Whether that he slepe or wake;
4314   ffor of his roses may noon be take.