The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 83 rectoBackBACKBackF82v Folio 82 verso   Folio 83 verso F83v

4267   Thus wikked tunge god yeve hem shame!
4268   Can putt hem evychone in blame
4269   Withoute disseit and causeles;
4270   He lieth, though they ben giltles.
4271   I have pite to sene the sorwe,
4272   That waketh bothe eve and morwe,
4273   To innocentis doith such grevaunce;
4274   I pray god yeve hem evel chaunce,
4275   That he ever so bisie is
4276   Of ony woman to seyn Amys!
4277   Eke Ielousie god confounde,
4278   That hath maad a tour so rounde,
4279   And made aboute a garisoun
4280   To sette Bialacoil in prisoun;
4281   The which is shette there in the tour,
4282   fful longe to holde there soiour,
4283   There forto lyve in penaunce.
4284   And forto do hym more grevaunce,
4285   Which hath ordeyned Ielousie
4286   An olde vekke, forto espye
4287   The maner of his governaunce;
4288   The which devel, in hir enfaunce,
4289   Hadde lerned of loves Arte,
4290   And of his pleyes toke hir parte;