The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 84 rectoBackBACKBackF83v Folio 83 verso   Folio 84 verso F84v

4315   But I, allas, now morne shall;
4316   Bi cause I was withoute the wall,
4317   ffull moche doole and moone I made.
4318   Who hadde wist what woo I hadde,
4319   I trowe he wolde have had pite.
4320   Love to deere hadde soolde to me
4321   The good that of his love hadde I.
4322   I wente aboute it all queyntly;
4323   But now, thurgh doublyng of my peyne,
4324   I see he wolde it selle Ageyne,
4325   And me a newe bargeyn leere,
4326   The which all oute the more is deere,
4327   ffor the solace that I have lorn,
4328   Thanne I hadde it never Aforn.
4329   Certayn I am ful like, in deede,
4330   To hym that caste in erthe his seede;
4331   And hath ioie of the newe spryng,
4332   Whanne it greneth in the gynnyg,
4333   And is also faire and fresh of flour,
4334   Lusty to seen, swoote of odour;
4335   But er he it in sheves shere,
4336   May falle a weder that shal it dere,
4337   And make it to fade and falle,
4338   The stalke, the greyne, and floures Alle;