The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 82 rectoBackBACKBackF81v Folio 81 verso   Folio 82 verso F82v

4219   Toward the north, I undirstonde,
4220   That openyde upon the lyfte honde,
4221   The which for no thyng may be sure,
4222   But if she do bisy cure
4223   Erly on morowe and also late,
4224   Strongly to shette and barre the gate.
4225   Of every thing that she may see
4226   Drede is aferd, wher so she be;
4227   ffor with a puff of litell wynde
4228   Drede is astonyed in hir mynde.
4229   Therfore, for stelyng of the rose,
4230   I rede hir nought the yate unclose.
4231   A foulis flight wole make hir flee,
4232   And eke a shadowe, if she it see.
4233   Thanne wikked tunge, full of envye,
4234   With soudiours of Normandye,
4235   As he that causeth all the bate,
4236   Was keper of the fourthe gate,
4237   And also to the tother three
4238   He wente full ofte, forto see.
4239   Whanne his lotte was to wake a nyght,
4240   His instrumentis wolde he dight,
4241   fforto blowe and make sowne,
4242   Ofte thanne he hath enchesoun;