The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 81 rectoBackBACKBackF80v Folio 80 verso   Folio 81 verso F81v

4171   And eke amydde this purprise
4172   Was maad a tour of gret maistrise;
4173   A fairer saugh no man with sight,
4174   Large and wide, and of gret myght.
4175   They dredde noon Assaut
4176   Of gynne, gunne, nor skaffaut.
4177   The temprure of the mortere
4178   Was maad of lycour wonder dere;
4179   Of quykke lyme psant and egre,
4180   The which was tempred with vynegre.
4181   The stoon was hard of Ademant,
4182   Wherof they made the foundement.
4183   The tour was rounde, maad in compas;
4184   In all this world no riccher was,
4185   Ne better ordeigned therwith All.
4186   Aboute the tour was maad a wall,
4187   So that, bitwixt that and the tour,
4188   Roses were sette of swete savour,
4189   With many roses that thei bere.
4190   And eke withynne the castell were
4191   Spryngoldes, gunnes, bows, Archers;
4192   And eke above, atte corners,
4193   Men seyn over the wall stonde
4194   Grete engynes, who were nygh honde;