The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 80 versoBackBACKBackF80r Folio 80 recto   Folio 81 recto F81r

4147   That was in gret suspecioun.
4148   Aboute hym lefte he no masoun,
4149   That stoon coude leye, ne querrour;
4150   He hirede hem to make a tour.
4151   And first, the roses forto kepe,
4152   Aboute hem made he a diche deepe,
4153   Right wondir large, and also broode;
4154   Upon the whiche also stode
4155   Of squared stoon a sturdy wall,
4156   Which on a cragge was founded All,
4157   And right grete thikkenesse eke it bare.
4158   Aboute, it was founded square,
4159   An hundred fademe on every side,
4160   It was all liche longe and wide.
4161   Lest ony tyme it were Assayled,
4162   fful wel aboute it was batayled;
4163   And rounde enviroun eke were sette
4164   fful many a riche and faire tourette.
4165   At every corner of this wall
4166   Was sette a tour full pryncipall;
4167   And everich hadde, withoute fable,
4168   A porte colys defensable
4169   To kepe of enemyes, and to greve,
4170   That there her force wolde preve.