4123 ffor whilom with this rose, Allas,
4124 I touched nose, mouth, and face;
4125 But now the deth I must Abyde.
4126 But love consente, another tyde,
4127 That onys I touche may and kisse,
4128 I trowe my peyne shall nev lisse.
4129 Theron is all my coveitise,
4130 Which brent myn herte in many wise.
4131 Now shal repaire agayn sighinge,
4132 Long wacche on nyghtis, and no slepinge;
4133 Thought in wisshing, torment, and woo,
4134 With many a turnyng to and froo,
4135 That half my peyne I can not telle.
4136 ffor I am fallen into helle
4137 ffrom paradys and welthe, the more
4138 My turment greveth; more and more
4139 Anoieth now the bittirnesse,
4140 That I toforn have felt swetnesse.
4141 And wikkid tunge, thurgh his falshede,
4142 Causeth all my woo and drede.
4143 On me he leieth a pitous charge,
4144 Bi cause his tunge was to large.
4145 Now it is tyme, shortly that I
4146 Telle you som thyng of Ielousie,