The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 76 rectoBackBACKBackF75v Folio 75 verso   Folio 76 verso F76v

3931   ffor he may best, in every cost,
3932   Disceyve, that men tristen most.
3933   I see wel that I am nygh shent,
3934   But if I sette my full entent
3935   Remedye to purveye.
3936   Therfore close I shall the weye
3937   ffro hem that wole the rose espie,
3938   And come to wayte me vilonye,
3939   ffor, in good feith and in trouthe,
3940   I wole not lette, forno slouthe,
3941   To lyve the more in sikirnesse,
3942   Do make anoon a fortresse,
3943   Thanne close the roses of good savour.
3944   In myddis shall I make a tour
3945   To putte Bialacoil in prisoun,
3946   ffor evere I drede me of tresoun.
3947   I trowe I shal hym kepe soo,
3948   That he shal have no myght to goo
3949   Aboute to make companye
3950   To hem that thenke of vylanye;
3951   Ne to no such as hath ben heere
3952   Aforn, and founde in hym good chere,
3953   Which han assailed hym to shende,
3954   And with her trowandyse to blynde.