3907 To kepe, bothe lowe and stille,
3908 Bialacoil to do youre wille.
3909 'Shame, shame,' seyde Ielousie,
3910 'To be bytrasshed gret drede have I.
3911 Leccherie hath clombe so hye,
3912 That almoost blered is myn yhe;
3913 No wonder is, if that drede have I.
3914 Over all regnyth lecchery,
3915 Whos myght growith nyght and day.
3916 Bothe in cloistre and in Abbey
3917 Chastite is werried over All.
3918 Therfore I wole with siker wall
3919 Close bothe roses and roser.
3920 I have to longe in this maner
3921 Left hem unclosid wilfully;
3922 Wherfore I am right inwardly
3923 Sorowfull and repente me.
3924 But now they shall no lenger be
3925 Unclosid; and yit I drede sore,
3926 I shall repente ferthermore,
3927 ffor the game goth all Amys.
3928 Counsell I must newe, ywys.
3929 I have to longe tristed thee,
3930 But now it shal no lenger be;