The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 76 versoBackBACKBackF76r Folio 76 recto   Folio 77 recto F77r

3955   A foole is eyth to bigyle;
3956   But may I lyve a litel while,
3957   He shal forthenke his fair semblaunt.
3958   And with that word came drede Avaunt,
3959   Which was abasshed, and in gret fere,
3960   Whanne he wiste Ielousie was there.
3961   He was for drede in sich Affray,
3962   That not a word durst he say,
3963   But quakyng stode full still Aloone,
3964   Til Ielousie his weye was gone,
3965   Save shame, that him not forsoke;
3966   Bothe drede and she ful sore quoke;
3967   That at last drede Abreyde,
3968   And to his cosyn shame seide:
3969   'Shame,' he seide, 'in sothfastnesse,
3970   To me it is gret hevynesse,
3971   That the noyse so ferre is go,
3972   And the sclaundre of us twoo.
3973   But sith that it is byfall,
3974   We may it not ageyn call,
3975   Whanne onys sprongen is a fame.
3976   ffor many a yeer withouten blame
3977   We han ben, and many a day;
3978   ffor many an aprill and many a may