The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 75 rectoBackBACKBackF74v Folio 74 verso   Folio 75 verso F75v

3883   Of Bialacoil, hertis to lure,
3884   In loves servyse forto endure,
3885   Drawyng such folk hym too,
3886   That he hath no thyng with to doo;
3887   But in sothnesse I trowe nought,
3888   That Bialacoil hadde ever in thought
3889   To do trespace or vylonye;
3890   But, for his modir curtesie
3891   Hath taught hym ever to be
3892   Good of aqueyntaunce and pryve;
3893   ffor he loveth noon hevynesse,
3894   But mirthe and pley, and all gladnesse;
3895   He hateth all trechours,
3896   Soleyn folk and envyous;
3897   ffor ye witen how that he
3898   Wole ever glad and ioyfull be
3899   Honestly with folk to pleye.
3900   I have be negligent, in good feye,
3901   To chastise hym; therfore now I
3902   Of herte I crye you heere mercy,
3903   That I have been so recheles
3904   To tamen hym, withouten lees.
3905   Of my foly I me repente;
3906   Now wole I hoole sette myn entente