The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 74 versoBackBACKBackF74r Folio 74 recto   Folio 75 recto F75r

3859   I was astoned, and knewe no rede,
3860   But fledde awey for verrey drede.
3861   Thanne shame cam forth full symply;
3862   She wente have trespaced full gretly;
3863   Humble of hir port, and made it symple,
3864   Weryng a bayle in stide of wymple,
3865   As nonnys don in her Abbey.
3866   By cause hir herte was in Affray,
3867   She gan to speke, withynne a throwe,
3868   To Ielousie, right wonder lowe.
3869   ffirst of his grace she bysoughte,
3870   And seide: 'sire, ne leveth noughte
3871   Wikkid tunge, that fals espie,
3872   Which is so glad to feyne and lye.
3873   He hath you maad, thurgh flateryng,
3874   On Bialacoil a fals lesyng.
3875   His falsnesse is not now a newe,
3876   It is to long that he hym knewe.
3877   This is not the first day;
3878   ffor Wikkid tunge hath custome Ay
3879   Yonge folkis to bewreye,
3880   And fals lesynges on hem lye.
3881   'Yit nevertheles I see Amonge,
3882   That the loigne it is so longe