The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 74 rectoBackBACKBackF73v Folio 73 verso   Folio 74 verso F74v

3835   I have right gret, for it is nede;
3836   It is well shewed by the dede.
3837   Grete faute in thee now have I founde;
3838   By god, anoon thou shalt be bounde,
3839   And fast loken in a tour,
3840   Withoute refuyt or socour.
3841   For shame to longe hath be thee froo;
3842   Over soone she was Agoo.
3843   Whanne thou hast lost bothe drede and feere,
3844   It semede wel she was not heere.
3845   She was bisy, in no wyse,
3846   To kepe thee and chastise,
3847   And forto helpen chastite
3848   To kepe the roser, as thenkith me.
3849   ffor thanne this boy knave so booldely
3850   Ne shulde not have be hardy,
3851   In this verge hadde such game,
3852   Which now me turneth to gret shame.'
3853   Bialacoil nyst what to sey;
3854   ffull fayn he wolde have fled Awey,
3855   ffor feere han hidde, nere that he
3856   All sodeynly toke hym with me.
3857   And whanne I saugh he hadde soo,
3858   This Ielousie, take us twoo,