The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 73 versoBackBACKBackF73r Folio 73 recto   Folio 74 recto F74r

3811   ffor hym an Irish womman bare.
3812   His tunge was fyled sharpe, and square,
3813   Poignaunt and right kervyng,
3814   And wonder bitter in spekyng.
3815   ffor whanne that he me gan espie,
3816   He swoore, affermyng sikirlye,
3817   Bitwene Bialacoil and me
3818   Was yvel aquayntaunce and pryve.
3819   He spake therof so folilye,
3820   That he awakide Ielousye;
3821   Which, all afrayed in his risyng,
3822   Whanne that he herd janglyng,
3823   He ran anoon, as he were woode,
3824   To Bialacoil there that he stode;
3825   Which hadde lever in this caas
3826   Have ben at Reynes or Amyas;
3827   ffor foot hoot, in his felonye
3828   To hym thus seide Ielousie:
3829   'Why hast thou ben so necligent,
3830   To kepen, whanne I was Absent,
3831   This verger heere left in thi warde?
3832   To me thou haddist no rewarde,
3833   To truste to thy confusioun
3834   Hym this, to whom suspeccioun