3571 Voideth from hym youre ire, I rede;
3572 Ye may not wynnen in this dede.
3573 Makith Bialacoil repeire Ageyn,
3574 And haveth pite upon his peyne;
3575 ffor fraunchise wole, and I, pite,
3576 That mercyful to hym ye be;
3577 And sith that she and I Accorde,
3578 Have upon hym misericorde;
3579 ffor I you pray, and eke moneste,
3580 Nought to refusen oure requeste;
3581 ffor he is hard and fell of thought,
3582 That for us twoo wole do right nought.'
3583 Daunger ne myght no more endure,
3584 He mekede hym unto mesure.
3585 'I wole in no wise,' seith daungere,
3586 'Denye that ye have asked heere;
3587 It were to gret uncurtesie.
3588 I wole ye have the companye
3589 Of Bialacoil, as ye devise;
3590 I wole hym lette in no wise.'
3591 To Bialacoil thanne wente in high
3592 ffraunchise, and seide full curteislye:
3593 'Ye have to longe be deignous
3594 Unto this lover, and daungerous,