The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 70 rectoBackBACKBackF69v Folio 69 verso   Folio 70 verso F70v

3547   To stonde forth in such duresse,
3548   This cruelte and wikkidnesse.
3549   Wherfore I pray you, sir daungere,
3550   fforto mayntene no lenger heere
3551   Such cruel werre agayn youre man,
3552   As hoolly youres as ever ye can;
3553   Nor that ye worchen no more woo
3554   Upon this caytif that langwisshith soo,
3555   Which wole no more to you trespasse,
3556   But putte hym hoolly in youre grace.
3557   His offense ne was but lite;
3558   The god of love it was to wite,
3559   That he youre thrall so gretly is,
3560   And if ye harme hym, ye done Amys;
3561   ffor he hath hadde full hard penaunce,
3562   Sith that ye refte hym thaqueyntaunce
3563   Of Bialacoil, his most Ioye,
3564   Which alle hise peynes myght Acoye.
3565   He was biforn anoyed sore,
3566   But thanne ye doubled hym well more;
3567   ffor he of blis hath ben full bare,
3568   Sith Bialacoil was fro hym fare.
3569   Love hath to hym do gret distresse,
3570   He hath no nede of more duresse.