The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackF70v Folio 70 verso   Missing Missing
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


3595   Fro him to withdrawe your presence,
3596   Which hath do to him grete offence,
3597   That ye not wolde upon him see;
3598   Wherfore a sorowful man is he.
3599   Shape ye to paye him, and to plese,
3600   Of my love if ye wol have ese.
3601   Fulfil his wil, sith that ye knowe
3602   Daunger is daunted and brought lowe
3603   Thurgh help of me and of Pite;
3604   You [thar] no more afered be.'
3605   'I shal do right as ye wil,'
3606   Saith Bialacoil, 'for it is skil,
3607   Sith Daunger wol that it so be.'
3608   Than Fraunchise hath him sent to me.
3609   Bialacoil at the biginning
3610   Salued me in his coming.
3611   No straungenes was in him seen,
3612   No more than he ne had wrathed been.
3613   As faire semblaunt than shewed he me,
3614   And goodly, as aforn did he;
3615   And by the honde, withouten doute,
3616   Within the haye, right al Aboute
3617   He ladde me, with right good chere,
3618   Al environ the vergere,