The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 69 versoBackBACKBackF69r Folio 69 recto   Folio 70 recto F70r

3523   ffor though that quyk ye wolde hym sloo,
3524   ffro love his herte may not goo.
3525   Now, swete sir, it is youre ese
3526   Hym forto angre or disese?
3527   Allas, what may it you Avaunce
3528   To done to hym so gret grevaunce?
3529   What worship is it agayn hym take,
3530   Or on youre man a werre make,
3531   Sith he so lowly every wise
3532   Is redy, as ye lust devise?
3533   If love hath caught hym in his lace,
3534   You for to beye in every caas,
3535   And ben youre suget at youre will,
3536   Shuld ye therfore willen hym ill?
3537   Ye shulde hym spare more, all oute,
3538   Than hym that is bothe proude and stoute.
3539   Curtesie wole that ye socour
3540   Hem that ben meke undir youre cure.
3541   His herte is hard, that wole not meke,
3542   Whanne men of mekenesse hym biseke.
3543   'That is certeyn,' seide pite;
3544   'We se ofte that humilite
3545   Bothe ire, and also felonye
3546   Venquyssheth, and also