The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 69 rectoBackBACKBackF68v Folio 68 verso   Folio 69 verso F69v

3499   And while I was in this torment,
3500   Were come of grace, by god sent,
3501   ffraunchise, and with hir pite
3502   ffulfild the bothom of bounte.
3503   They go to daunger anoon right
3504   To forther me with all her myght,
3505   And helpe in worde and in dede,
3506   ffor well they saugh that it was nede.
3507   ffirst, of hir grace, dame ffraunchise
3508   Hath taken of this emprise:
3509   She seide, 'daunger, gret wrong ye do
3510   To worche this man so mych woo,
3511   Or pynen hym so Angerly;
3512   It is to you gret villanye.
3513   I can not see why, ne how,
3514   That he hath trespassed ageyn you,
3515   Save that he loveth; wherfore ye shulde
3516   The more in cherete of hym holde.
3517   The force of love makith hym do this;
3518   Who wolde hym blame he dide Amys?
3519   He leseth more than ye may do;
3520   His peyne is harde, ye may see, lo!
3521   And love in no wise wolde consente
3522   That ye have power to repente;