The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 68 versoBackBACKBackF68r Folio 68 recto   Folio 69 recto F69r

3475   And daunger toke kepe, if that I
3476   Kepe hym covenaunt trewly.
3477   So sore I dradde his manasyng,
3478   I durst not breke his biddyng;
3479   ffor, lest that I were of hym shent,
3480   I brake not his comaundement,
3481   fforto purchase his good wille.
3482   It was forto come ther tille,
3483   His mercy was to ferre bihynde;
3484   I wepte, for I ne myght it fynde.
3485   I compleyned and sighed sore,
3486   And langwisshed evermore,
3487   ffor I durst not over goo
3488   Unto the rose I loved soo.
3489   Thurgh out my demyng outerly,
3490   That he had knowlege certanly,
3491   Thanne love me ladde in sich a wise,
3492   That in me ther was no feyntise,
3493   ffalsheed, ne no trecherie.
3494   And yit he, full of vylanye,
3495   Of disdeyne, and cruelte,
3496   On me ne wolde have pite,
3497   His cruel will forto refreyne,
3498   Thou I wepe alwey, and me compleyne.