The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 68 rectoBackBACKBackF67v Folio 67 verso   Folio 68 verso F68v

3451   Thus hath he graunted my praiere.
3452   Thanne wente I forth, withouten were,
3453   Unto my freend, and tolde hym All,
3454   Which was right ioyfull of my tall.
3455   He seide, 'Now goth wel thyn Affere,
3456   He shall to thee be debonaire.
3457   Though he aforn was dispitous,
3458   He shal heere aftir be gracious.
3459   If he were touchid on some good veyne,
3460   He shuld yit rewen on thi peyne.
3461   Suffre, I rede, and no boost make,
3462   Till thou at good mes maist hym take.
3463   By suffraunce, and wordis softe,
3464   A man may overcome ofte
3465   Hym that aforn he hadde in drede,
3466   In bookis sothly as I rede.'
3467   Thus hath my freend with gret comfort
3468   Avaunced me with high disport,
3469   Which wolde me good as mych as I.
3470   And thanne anoon full sodeynly
3471   I toke my leve, and streight I wente
3472   Unto the hay; for gret talent
3473   I hadde to sene the fresh bothom,
3474   Wherynne lay my salvacioun;