The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 67 rectoBackBACKBackF66v Folio 66 verso   Folio 67 verso F67v

3403   fful meke of port, and symple of chere,
3404   And seide, 'sir, I am comen heere
3405   Oonly to aske of you mercy.
3406   That greveth me, full gretly
3407   That evere my lyf I wratthed you,
3408   But forto amenden I am come now,
3409   With all my myght, bothe loude and stille,
3410   To doon right at youre owne wille;
3411   ffor love made me forto doo
3412   That I have trespassed hidirto;
3413   ffro whom I ne may withdrawe myne herte;
3414   Yit shall never, for Ioy ne smerte,
3415   What so bifall, good or ille,
3416   Offende more ageyn youre wille.
3417   Lever I have endure disese
3418   Than do that you shulde displese.
3419   'I you require and pray, that ye
3420   Of me have mercy and pitee,
3421   To stynte your ire that greveth soo,
3422   That I wole swere for ever mo
3423   To be redressid at youre likyng,
3424   If I trespasse in ony thyng;
3425   Save that I pray thee graunte me
3426   A thyng that may not warned be,