The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 66 versoBackBACKBackF66r Folio 66 recto   Folio 67 recto F67r

3379   He wole make aftir, in his beryng,
3380   Been, for service and obeysshyng.
3381   I shal thee telle what thou shalt doo:
3382   Mekely I rede thou go hym to,
3383   Of herte pray him specialy
3384   Of thy trespace to have mercy,
3385   And hote hym well, here to plese,
3386   That thou shalt nevermore hym displese.
3387   Who can best serve of flaterie,
3388   Shall please daunger most uttirly.
3389   Mi freend hath seid to me so wel,
3390   That he me esid hath somdell,
3391   And eke allegged of my torment;
3392   ffor thurgh hym had I hardement
3393   Agayn to daunger forto go,
3394   To preve if I myght meke hym soo.
3395   To daunger came I, all Ashamed,
3396   The which aforn me hadde blamed,
3397   Desiryng forto pese my woo;
3398   But over hegge durst I not goo,
3399   ffor he forbede me the passage.
3400   I fonde hym cruel in his rage,
3401   And in his honde a gret burdoun.
3402   To hym I knelide lowe Adoun,