The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 66 rectoBackBACKBackF65v Folio 65 verso   Folio 66 verso F66v

3355   The which thurgh his cruelte
3356   Was in poynt to meygned me;
3357   With Bialacoil whanne he me sey
3358   Withynne the gardeyn walke and pley,
3359   ffro me he made hym forto go,
3360   And I bilefte aloone in woo;
3361   I durst no lenger with hym speke,
3362   ffor daunger seide he wolde be wreke,
3363   Whanne that he sawe how I wente
3364   The fresh bothom forto hente,
3365   If I were hardy to come neer
3366   Bitwene the hay and the roser.
3367   This freend, whanne he wiste of my thought, NB
3368   He discomforted me right nought,
3369   But seide, 'felowe, be not so madde,
3370   Ne so abaysshed nor bystadde.
3371   My silf I knowe full well daungere,
3372   And how he is feers of his cheere,
3373   At pme temps, love to manace;
3374   fful ofte I have ben in his caas.
3375   A feloun firste though that he be,
3376   Aftir thou shalt hym souple se.
3377   Of longe passed I knewe hym well;
3378   Ungoodly first though men hym feele,