The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 65 versoBackBACKBackF65r Folio 65 recto   Folio 66 recto F66r

3331   Who that me chastisith, I hym hate.'
3332   With that word Resoun wente hir gate,
3333   Whanne she saugh for no sermonynge
3334   She myght me fro my foly brynge.
3335   Thanne dismaied, I lefte all sool,
3336   ffor wery, for wandred as a fool,
3337   ffor I ne knewe no cherisaunce.
3338   Thanne fell into my remembraunce,
3339   How love bade me to purveye
3340   A felowe, to whom I myght seye
3341   My counsell and my pryvete,
3342   ffor that shulde moche availe me.
3343   With that bithought I me, that I
3344   Hadde a felowe fast by,
3345   Trewe and siker, curteys, and hende,
3346   And he was called by name a freende;
3347   A trewer felowe was no wher noon.
3348   In haste to hym I wente Anoon,
3349   And to hym all my woo I tolde,
3350   ffro hym right nought I wold withholde.
3351   I tolde hym all withoute were,
3352   And made my compleynt on daungere,
3353   How forto see he was hidous,
3354   And to me ward contrarious;