The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 65 rectoBackBACKBackF64v Folio 64 verso   Folio 65 verso F65v

3307   I prayed hir cessen of hir speche,
3308   Outher to chastise me or teche,
3309   To bidde me my thought refreyne,
3310   Which love hath caught in his demeyne:
3311   'What? wene ye love wole consente,
3312   That me assailith with bowe bente,
3313   To drawe myne herte out of his honde,
3314   Which is so qwikly in his bonde?
3315   That ye counseyle, may nevere be;
3316   ffor whanne he firste arestide me,
3317   He took myne herte so hoole hym tille,
3318   That it is no thyng at my wille;
3319   He thought it so hym forto obey,
3320   That he it sparrede with a key.
3321   I pray yow late me be all stille.
3322   ffor ye may well, if that ye wille,
3323   Youre wordis waste in idilnesse;
3324   ffor utterly, withouten gesse,
3325   All that ye seyn is but in veyne.
3326   Me were lever dye in the peyne,
3327   Than love to me ward shulde Arette
3328   ffalsheed, or tresoun on me sette.
3329   I wole me gete prys or blame,
3330   And love trewe, to save my name;