The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 64 versoBackBACKBackF64r Folio 64 recto   Folio 65 recto F65r

3283   The Ioye it is so short lastyng,
3284   And but in happe is the getyng;
3285   ffor I see there many in travaill,
3286   That atte laste foule fayle.
3287   I was no thyng thi counseler,
3288   Whanne thou were maad the omager
3289   Of god of love to hastily;
3290   Ther was no wisdom, but foly.
3291   Thynne herte was Ioly, but not sage,
3292   Whanne thou were brought in sich Arrage,
3293   To yelde thee so redily,
3294   And to love, of his gret maistrie.
3295   'I rede thee love awey to dryve,
3296   That makith thee recche not of thi lyve.
3297   The foly more fro day to day
3298   Shal growe, but thou it putte Away.
3299   Take with thy teeth the bridel faste,
3300   To daunte thyne herte; and eke thee caste,
3301   If that thou maist, to gete thee defence
3302   fforto redresse thi first offence.
3303   Who so his herte alwey wole leve,
3304   Shal fynde amonge that shal hym greve.'
3305   Whanne I hir herd thus me chastise,
3306   I answerd in ful angry wise.