The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 64 rectoBackBACKBackF63v Folio 63 verso   Folio 64 verso F64v

3259   ffor er a thing be do, he shall,
3260   Where that he cometh, over All,
3261   In fourty places, if it be sought,
3262   Seye thyng that neve was don ne wrought;
3263   So moche tresoun is in his male,
3264   Of falsnesse forto feyne a tale.
3265   Thou delest with angry folk, ywis;
3266   Wherfore to thee bettir is
3267   ffrom these folk awey to fare,
3268   ffor they wole make thee lyve in care.
3269   This is the yvell that love they calle,
3270   Wherynne ther is but foly Alle,
3271   ffor love is foly everydell;
3272   Who loveth, in no wise may do well,
3273   Ne sette his thought on no good werk.
3274   His scole he lesith, if he be a clerk;
3275   Of other craft eke if he be,
3276   He shal not thryve therynne; for he
3277   In love shal have more passioun
3278   Than monke, hermyte, or chanoun.
3279   The peyne is hard, out mesure,
3280   The ioye may eke no while endure;
3281   And in the possessioun
3282   Is mych tribulacioun;