The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 63 rectoBackBACKBackF62v Folio 62 verso   Folio 63 verso F63v

3211   Made hir aftir his ymage,
3212   And yaff hir sith sich Avauntage,
3213   That she hath myght and seignurie
3214   To kepe men from all folye;
3215   Who so wole trowe hir lore,
3216   Ne may offenden nevermore.
3217   And while I stode thus derk and pale,
3218   Resoun bigan to me hir tale;
3219   She seide: 'Alhayle, my swete freende!
3220   ffoly and childhoode wole thee sheende,
3221   Which ye have putt in gret Affray;
3222   Thou hast bought deere the tyme of may,
3223   That made thyn herte mery to be.
3224   In yvell tyme thou wentist to see
3225   The gardyne, wherof ydilnesse
3226   Bare the keye, and was maistresse
3227   Whanne thou didest in the daunce
3228   With hir, and hadde Aqueyntaunce:
3229   Hir aqueyntaunce is pilous,
3230   ffirst softe, and aftir noious;
3231   She hath trasshed, withoute wene;
3232   The god of love hadde the not sene,
3233   Ne hadde ydilnesse thee conveyed
3234   In the verger where myrthe hym pleyed.