The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 60 rectoBackBACKBackF59v Folio 59 verso   Folio 60 verso F60v

3067   ffor Bialacoil, that was so faire
3068   So gracious and debonaire,
3069   Quytt hym to me full curteislye,
3070   And, me to please, bade that I
3071   Shulde drawe me to the bothom nere;
3072   Prese in, to touche the rosere
3073   Which bare the roses, he yaf me leve;
3074   This graunte ne myght but lytel greve.
3075   And for he sawe it liked me,
3076   Ryght nygh the bothom pullede he
3077   A leef all grene, and yaff me that,
3078   The whiche full nygh the bothom sat;
3079   I made of that leef full queynte.
3080   And whanne I felte I was Aqueynte
3081   With Bialacoil, and so pryve,
3082   I wende all at my will hadde be.
3083   Thanne waxe I hardy forto telle
3084   To Bialacoil hou me bifelle
3085   Of love, that toke and wounded me,
3086   And seide: 'sir, so mote I thee,
3087   I may no ioye have in no wise,
3088   Uppon no side, but it rise;
3089   ffor sithe if I shall not feyne
3090   In herte I have hadde so gret peyne,