The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 59 versoBackBACKBackF59r Folio 59 recto   Folio 60 recto F60r

3043   It was ordeyned, that chastite
3044   Shulde of the roser lady be,
3045   Which, of the bothoms more and lasse,
3046   With sondre folk assailed was,
3047   That she ne wist what to doo.
3048   ffor venus hir assailith soo,
3049   That nyght and day from hir she stale
3050   Bothoms and roses over All.
3051   To Resoun thanne praieth chastite,
3052   Whom Venus hath flemed over the see,
3053   That she hir doughter wolde hir lene,
3054   To kepe the roser fresh and grene.
3055   Anoon Resoun to chastite
3056   Is fully assented that it be,
3057   And grauntide hir, at hir request,
3058   That shame, by cause she honest,
3059   Shall keper of the roser be.
3060   And thus to kepe it ther were three,
3061   That noon shulde hardy be ne bolde
3062   Were he yong, or were he olde
3063   Ageyn hir will awey to bere
3064   Bothoms ne roses, that there were.
3065   I hadde wel spede, hadde I not bene
3066   Awayted with these three, and sene.