The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 59 rectoBackBACKBackF58v Folio 58 verso   Folio 59 verso F59v

3019   This cherle was hid there in the greves,
3020   Kovered with gras and with leves,
3021   To spie and take whom that he fonde
3022   Unto that roser putte an honde.
3023   He was not soole, for ther was moo;
3024   ffor with hym were other twoo
3025   Of wikkid maners, and yvel fame.
3026   That oon was clepid, by his name,
3027   Wykked tonge, god yeve hym sorwe!
3028   ffor neither at eve, ne at morwe,
3029   He can of no man good speke;
3030   On many a iust man doth he wreke.
3031   Ther was a womman eke, that hight
3032   Shame, that, who can reken right,
3033   Trespace was hir fadir name,
3034   Hir moder Resoun; and thus was shame
3035   Brought of these ilk twoo.
3036   And yitt hadde trespasse never Adoo
3037   With Resoun, ne never ley hir bye,
3038   He was so hidous and so oughlye,
3039   I mene, this that trespas hight;
3040   But Resoun conceyveth, of a sight,
3041   Shame, of that I spake Aforne.
3042   And whanne that shame was thus borne,