The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 58 versoBackBACKBackF58r Folio 58 recto   Folio 59 recto F59r

2995   If I may helpe you in ought,
2996   I shall not feyne, dredeth nought;
2997   ffor I am bounde to youre servise,
2998   ffully devoide of feyntise.'
2999   Thanne unto Bialacoil saide I,
3000   'I thanke you, sir, full hertly,
3001   And youre biheest take at gre,
3002   That ye so goodly pfer me;
3003   To you it cometh of gret fraunchise,
3004   That ye me pfer youre servise.'
3005   Thanne aftir, fully delyverly,
3006   Thorough the breres anoon wente I,
3007   Wherof encombred was the hay.
3008   I was wel plesed, the soth to say,
3009   To see the bothom faire and swote,
3010   So fresh sprange out of the rote.
3011   And Bialacoil me served well,
3012   Whanne I so nygh me myght fele
3013   Of the bothom the swete odour,
3014   And so lusty hwed of colour.
3015   But thanne a cherle foule hym bityde
3016   Biside the roses gan hym hyde,
3017   To kepe the roses of that roser,
3018   Of whom the name was daunger.