The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 58 rectoBackBACKBackF57v Folio 57 verso   Folio 58 verso F58v

2971   Have passed the hay, if I myght
2972   Have geten ynne by ony slight
2973   Unto the bothom so faire to see.
2974   But evere I dradde blamed to be,
2975   If men wolde have suspeccioun
2976   That I wolde of entencioun
2977   Have stole the roses that there were;
2978   Therfore to entre I was in fere.
2979   But at the last, as I bithought
2980   Whether I shulde passe or nought,
2981   I sawe come with a glad chere
2982   To me, a lusty bachelere,
2983   Of good stature, and of good hight,
2984   And Bialacoil forsothe he hight.
2985   Sone he was to curtesie,
2986   And he me grauntide full gladly
2987   The passage of the outter hay,
2988   And seide: 'Sir, how that yee may
2989   Passe, if youre will be,
2990   The fresh roser forto see,
2991   And yee the swete savour fele.
2992   Your waruans may right wele;
2993   So thou thee kepe fro folye,
2994   Shall no man do thee vylanye.