The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 57 versoBackBACKBackF57r Folio 57 recto   Folio 58 recto F58r

2947   And serve wel withoute feyntise,
2948   Thou shalt be quyte of thyne emprise,
2949   With more guerdoun, if that thou lyve;
2950   But all this tyme this I thee yeve.'
2951   The god of love whanne al the day
2952   Had taught me, as ye have herd say,
2953   And enfourmed compendiously,
2954   He vanyshide awey all sodeynly,
2955   And I alloone lefte, all soole,
2956   So full of compleynt and of doole,
2957   ffor I sawe no man there me by.
2958   My woundes me greved wondirly;
2959   Me forto curen no thyng I knewe,
2960   Save the bothom bright of hewe,
2961   Wheron was sett hoolly my thought;
2962   Of other comfort knewe I nought,
2963   But it were thorugh the god of love;
2964   I knewe not ell to my bihove
2965   That myght me ease or comfort gete,
2966   But if he wolde hym entermete.
2967   The roser was, withoute doute,
2968   Closed with an hegge withoute,
2969   As ye toforn have herd me seyne;
2970   And fast I bisiede, and wolde fayne