The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 57 rectoBackBACKBackF56v Folio 56 verso   Folio 57 verso F57v

2923   Wherof the herte reioiseth soo
2924   That a gret ptye of his woo
2925   Is voided, and putte awey to flight.
2926   Right as the derknesse of the nyght
2927   Is chased with clerenesse of the mone,
2928   Right so is al his woo full soone
2929   Devoided clene, whanne that the sight
2930   Biholden may that fresh wight
2931   That the herte desireth soo,
2932   That al his derknesse is Agoo;
2933   ffor thanne the herte is all at ese,
2934   Whanne they sene that may hem plese.
2935   'Now have I declared thee all oute,
2936   Of that thou were in drede and doute;
2937   ffor I have tolde thee feithfully
2938   What thee may curen utterly,
2939   And all lovers that wole be
2940   ffeithfull, and full of stabilite.
2941   Good hope alwey kepe bi thi side,
2942   And swete thought make eke Abide,
2943   Swete loking and swete speche;
2944   Of all thyne harmes thei shall be leche.
2945   Of every thou shalt have gret plesaunce;
2946   If thou canst bide in suffraunce,