The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 55 versoBackBACKBackF55r Folio 55 recto   Folio 56 recto F56r

2851   She wist full well that swete spekyng
2852   Comfortith in full mych thyng.
2853   Hir love she hadde full well Assaid,
2854   Of hem she was full well Apaied;
2855   To speke of hym hir ioye was sett.
2856   Therfore I rede thee that thou gett
2857   A felowe that can well concele
2858   And kepe thi counsell, and well hele,
2859   To whom go shewe hoolly thine herte,
2860   Bothe well and woo, ioye and smerte:
2861   To gete comfort to hym thou goo,
2862   And pryvyly, bitwene yow twoo,
2863   Yee shall speke of that goodly thyng,
2864   That hath thyne herte in hir kepyng;
2865   Of hir beaute and hir semblaunce,
2866   And of hir goodly countenaunce.
2867   Of all thi state thou shalt hym seye,
2868   And aske hym counseill how thou may
2869   Do ony thyng that may hir plese;
2870   ffor it to thee shall do gret ese,
2871   That he may wite thou trust hym soo,
2872   Bothe of thi wele and of thi woo.
2873   And if his herte to love be sett,
2874   His companye is myche the bett,