The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 54 versoBackBACKBackF54r Folio 54 recto   Folio 55 recto F55r

2803   That hope hath hight hym forto wynne.
2804   ffor thought anoon thanne shall bygynne,
2805   As ferre, god wote, as he can fynde,
2806   To make a mirrour of his mynde;
2807   fforto biholde he wole not lette.
2808   Hir psone he shall a fore hym sette,
2809   Hir laughing eyen, psaunt and clere,
2810   Hir shappe, hir fourme, hir goodly chere,
2811   Hir mouth that is so gracious,
2812   So swete, and eke so saverous;
2813   Of all hir fetures he shall take heede,
2814   His eyen with all hir lymes fede.
2815   'Thus swete thenkyng shall Aswage
2816   The peyne of lovers, and her rage.
2817   Thi ioye shall double, withoute gesse,
2818   Whanne thou thenkist on hir semlynesse,
2819   Or of hir laughing, or of hir chere,
2820   That to thee made thi lady dere.
2821   This comfort wole I that thou take;
2822   And if the next thou wolt forsake
2823   Which is not lesse saverous,
2824   Thou shuldist not ben to daungerous.
2825   'The secounde shal be swete speche,
2826   That hath to many oon be leche,