The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 54 rectoBackBACKBackF53v Folio 53 verso   Folio 54 verso F54v

2779   Blessid be hope, which with desire
2780   Avaunceth lovers in such manere.
2781   Good hope is curteis forto please,
2782   To kepe lovers from all disese.
2783   Hope kepith his londe, and wole Abide,
2784   ffor ony pill that may betyde;
2785   ffor hope to lovers, as most cheef,
2786   Doth hem endure all myscheef;
2787   Hope is her helpe, whanne myster is.
2788   And I shall yeve thee eke, Iwys,
2789   Three other thingis, that gret solas
2790   Doith to hem that be in my las.
2791   'The first good that may be founde,
2792   To hem that in my lace be bounde,
2793   Is swete thought, forto recorde
2794   Thing wherwith thou canst Accorde
2795   Best in thyne herte, where she be;
2796   Thenkyng in absence is good to thee.
2797   Whanne ony lover doth compleyne,
2798   And lyveth in distresse and in peyne,
2799   Thanne swete thought shal come, as blyve,
2800   Awey his angre forto dryve.
2801   It makith lovers to have remembraunce
2802   Of comfort, and of high plesaunce,