The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 53 versoBackBACKBackF53r Folio 53 recto   Folio 54 recto F54r

2755   Glad as man in prisoun sett,
2756   And may not geten forto ete
2757   But barly breed, and watir pure,
2758   And lyeth in vermyn and in ordure;
2759   With all this, yitt can he lyve,
2760   Good hope such comfort hath hym yeve,
2761   Which maketh wene that he shall be
2762   Delyvered and come to liberte;
2763   In fortune is full trist.
2764   Though he lye in strawe or dust,
2765   In hoope is all his susteynyng.
2766   And so for lovers, in her wenyng,
2767   Whiche love hath shitte in his prisoun;
2768   Good hope is her salvacioun.
2769   Good hope, how sore that they smerte,
2770   Yeveth hem bothe will and herte
2771   To pfre her body to martire;
2772   ffor hope so sore sore doith hem desire
2773   To suffre ech harme that men devise,
2774   ffor joye that aftirward shall Aryse.
2775   Hope, in desire cacche victorie;
2776   In hope, of love is all the glorie,
2777   ffor hope is all that love may yeve;
2778   Nere hope, ther shulde no lover lyve.