The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 53 rectoBackBACKBackF52v Folio 52 verso   Folio 53 verso F53v

2731   In such annoy contynuely,
2732   As helpe me god, this merveile I,
2733   How man, but he were maad of stele,
2734   Myght lyve a monthe, such peynes to fele.'
2735   The God of love thanne seide me,
2736   'ffreend, by the feith I owe to thee,
2737   May no man have good, but he it bye.
2738   A man loveth more tendirly
2739   The thyng that he hath bought most dere.
2740   ffor wite thou well, withouten were,
2741   In thanke that thyng is taken more,
2742   ffor which a man hath suffred sore.
2743   Certis, no wo ne may Atteyne
2744   Unto the sore of loves peyne.
2745   Noon yvel therto ne may Amounte,
2746   No more than a man counte
2747   The dropes that of the water be.
2748   ffor drye as well the greet see
2749   Thou myghtist, as the harmes telle
2750   Of hem that with love dwelle
2751   In servyse; for peyne hem sleeth,
2752   And that ech man wolde fle the deeth,
2753   And trowe thei shulde nevere escape,
2754   Nere that hope couthe hem make