The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 52 versoBackBACKBackF52r Folio 52 recto   Folio 53 recto F53r

2707   They shal hir telle hou they thee fande
2708   Curteis and wys, and well doande,
2709   And she shall preise well thee more.
2710   Loke oute of londe thou be not fore;
2711   And if such cause thou have, that thee
2712   Bihoveth to gone out of contree,
2713   Leve hoole thin herte in hostage,
2714   Till thou ageyn make thi passage.
2715   Thenke longe to see the swete thyng
2716   That hath thine herte in hir kepyng.
2717   'Now have I tolde thee, in what wise
2718   A lovere shall do me svise.
2719   Do it thanne, if thou wolt have
2720   The meede that thou aftir crave.'
2721   Whanne love all this hadde boden me,
2722   I seide hym: 'Sire, how may it be
2723   That lovers may in such manere
2724   Endure the peyne ye have seid heere?
2725   I merveyle me wonder faste,
2726   How ony man may lyve or laste
2727   In such peyne, and such brennyng,
2728   In sorwe and thought, and such sighing,
2729   A yee unrelesed woo to make,
2730   Whether so it be they slepe or wake.