The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 52 rectoBackBACKBackF51v Folio 51 verso   Folio 52 verso F52v

2683   Makith lovers, withouten ony wene,
2684   Under her clothes pale and lene,
2685   ffor love leveth colour ne cleernesse;
2686   Who loveth trewe hath no fatnesse
2687   Thou shalt wel by thy silf see
2688   That thou must nedis assaid be.
2689   ffor men that shape hem other weye
2690   ffalsly her ladyes forto bitraye,
2691   It is no wonder though they be fat;
2692   With false othes hir loves they gatt;
2693   ffor of I see suche losengours
2694   ffatter than abbatis or priours.
2695   'Yit with o thing I thee charge,
2696   That it to seye, that thou be large
2697   Unto the mayde that hir doith serve,
2698   So best hir thanke thou shalt deserve.
2699   Yeve hir yiftes, and gete hir gace,
2700   ffor so thou may thank purchace,
2701   That she thee worthy holde and free,
2702   Thi lady, and all that may thee see.
2703   Also hir servauntes worshipe Ay,
2704   And please as mych as thou may;
2705   Grete good thorough hem may come to thee,
2706   Bicause with hir they ben pryve.