The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 51 versoBackBACKBackF51r Folio 51 recto   Folio 52 recto F52r

2659   Thanne shal thou go the dore bifore,
2660   If thou maist fynde ony score,
2661   Or hoole, or reeft, what evere it were;
2662   Thanne shalt thou stoupe, and lay to ere,
2663   If they withynne a slepe be;
2664   I mene, all save the lady free.
2665   Whom wakyng if thou maist Aspie,
2666   Go putte thi silf in iupartie,
2667   To aske grace, and thee bimene,
2668   That she may wite, without wene,
2669   That thou nyght no rest hast hadde,
2670   So sore for hir thou were bystadde.
2671   Women wel ought pite to take
2672   Of hem that sorwen for her sake.
2673   And loke, for love of that relyke,
2674   That thou thenke noon other lyke,
2675   ffor whanne thou hast so gret Annoy,
2676   Shall kysse thee er thou go Away,
2677   And holde that in full gret deynte.
2678   And, for that no man shal thee see
2679   Bifore the hous, ne in the way,
2680   Loke thou be goone ageyn er day.
2681   Such comyng, and such goyng,
2682   Such hevynesse, and such walkyng,